A Moment of Thanksgiving

On the table sits the turkey
roasted and stuffed,
Golden brown, mouth-watering,
ready to be carved, 

Surrounded by mashed potatoes
pie, bread and cheese,
Cranberry sauce, gravy, salad
baked corn and peas.

At the table family members
gather round
To give thanks for the blessings
that abound
And remember a time when
from across the seas
Their forefathers came ashore
to live in peace.

"Thanksgiving meal" "Thanksgiving Family" "Thanksgiving wallpaper"

If every human could set aside
a moment each day,
To savour the good things that
come his way,
And not seek revenge if a wrong
has been done,
Then creed will not divide but
bind the world as one.


23 Nov 2012


Anonymous said...

So beautiful Dear Jacinta. First half is food for the tummy, second is food for the soul. NISHU

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