AN ACCIDENT (double ethere)

"Car Crash" "Car Crash Gif" "Animated Car Crash" "accident" "car"
Bang! Crash!
Two cars smashed,
Both drivers lax,
Glass shatters, blood drips,
Gashes on heads and lips.
Gasps, expletives, screams and shrieks!
Tow trucks chug by expectantly,
Crowd shuffles round, mutters audibly,
As traffic comes to a halt, watches tick.

Sirens wail! Police heed the distress call,
They whistle, bark their commands to all,
Paramedics snip in deft haste,
Victims zoomed to a safe place,
Measuring tapes roll right,
Cars lugged out of sight,
Jams disappear,
In a flash,
All is

10 July 2008

Onomatopoeia - Words made from "sounds"
Doube Ethere - One syllable line ending with 10 syllable lines


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